

时间:2009-03-01来源:作者: 点击:

  Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

  项目号: P003587  |  项目情况: 已完成的项目
  The overall project objective is to improve health and productivity of the poorest and most needy inhabitants of rural China by increasing coverage of water supply, supported by sanitation services, health/hygiene education, technical assistance and training. The project comprises five components: (a) water supply, including construction of facilities; provision of equipment and utility vehicles; continuation of development, introduction and dissemination of new technologies; (b) sanitation, including construction of facilities in selected demonstration and pilot villages in each project country; provision of the foundation for replicable programs through demonstration; (c) health/hygiene education (HHE) including provision of HHE to all project counties; construction of training facilities; development and dissemination of training and HHE materials; provision of supplies, equipment and utility vehicles; (d) technical assistance and training (TAT) including provision of TAT in management, finance, procurement, training of trainers, and technical aspects of the first three project components at all levels; and (e) institution establishment and project management including construction of project offices; provision of office supplies and equipment; and financing of project management and supervision activities.