

时间:2009-03-02来源:作者: 点击:


项目号: P057352  |  项目情况: 已完成的项目

The Fourth Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project aims to provide people in poor rural areas clean, safe water supply, while improving related sanitation and health behaviors through education and pilot investments. There are three project components: 1) Water supply component will give villagers in all 27 counties the opportunity to invest in improved water supplies. Households can choose whether to invest in individual household connections or to rely on community standposts. 2) Sanitation and health education component will help to reduce incidences of waterborne disease by a) making available information on improved latrine designs, their investment costs, and economic and health benefits through sponsoring village information sessions about water supply, improved latrines, and related hygiene practices; b) financing improved latrine facilities on a demonstration basis in project village schools and in selected households in each project village; and c) identifying specific types of behavioral change that will improve health conditions. 3) Project management component will be in charge of the county, province, and national project offices; provide technical assistance and training; finance project management and supervision activities; and carry out baseline surveys.


融资人 承诺额 (美元)
International Bank For Reconstruction And Development 16,000,000.00
International Development Association (Ida) 30,000,000.00

项目全部承诺额 (百万美元)
生产线 国际复兴开发银行/国际开发协会 贷款工具 特殊投资贷款
IBRD承诺额 16 赠款总额 0
IDA承诺额 30 项目总额 92
IBRD加IDA承诺额 46  

融资人 总额 (美元) 批准日期 关闭日期
已支付 可用 本金
IBRD44850 16,000,000.00 0.00 14,517,978.95 1999-06-03 2006-06-30
IDA32330 30,000,000.00 0.00 30,261,736.40 1999-06-03 2006-12-31